Changing lives, one heart at a time.

Heart Sound Recorder LLC’s mission is to improve and transform people’s well-being. We believe everyone deserves to live a healthy and happy life. We feel that the more Healthcare Professionals that use the Heart Sound Recorder (HSR) in their practice, the easier access the general public will have to this life-changing technology.

We are grateful that you are taking the time to learn more about the Heart Sound Recorder.

Here are testimonials from practitioners on how the HSR is helping to transform lives for the better:

“The Heart Sound Recorder SAVED my life!!!! I was on my way to becoming an American statistic with cardiovascular disease being the number one killer in the country.  I was overweight, out of shape, sick and tired.  I was embarrassed at the result of my scan, but that WAS the motivation I need to transform my life.  I drastically changed my diet, got on new supplements, and incorporated daily exercise. In a short four months, my HSR is near normal, continuing to lose weight (37 lbs thus far), and symptoms disappeared.

Amazingly, this simple tool helped to create a huge transformation in my life.

I now use it with my patients and am getting the same remarkable results. It is the most validating tool to assess nutritional deficiencies I’ve EVER seen!!!

Patients that I have been helping with nutrition for years had surprisingly inferior findings using the HSR, which laser pinpointed the exact nutrition they needed, and significantly changed their lives.

The Heart Sound Recorder is by far the most powerful tool I have ever used both personally and professionally, to assess the nutritional status, and help create lasting and significant health changes.”

- Dr. Theresa P.

“Two years ago, we started on the journey of doing Heart Sound Recordings in our office.  We had no idea what a game changer this would be for our patients. We quickly learned that using the HSR not only tells us what’s going on with the heart, but that it is a window to what’s going on inside the whole body. Our patients have loved learning about the HSR and really love that they can see the comparisons - it has been an eye opener for many as they see the changes for themselves! Our patients also are consistent with their follow ups and are excited to tell us how much better they are feeling each time they come! In the two years we have been doing this, we cannot count the number of patients who have thanked us for having the HSR available to them and stating what a difference it has made in their lives.”

- Dr. Michael M.